Push notification API

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Keep in mind that this is just a personal project. I'll try to keep it online, but I make no guarantees that it'll be online next year or even next week.

With this site you can generate a unique URL which can be used to send push notifications to your device. Click the button below to generate a URL for this device.

Make sure your browser (the actual .exe, .app, etc.) has permissions to send notifications at the OS level. It's not enough to accept the "notifications.linus.onl wants to send notifications" pop-up; your browser also has to have those permissions.

How do I use it?

Now that you have a token that's unique to your device, you can use it by sending a post request. Below is an example using curl.

curl https://notifications.linus.onl/api/send-notification/token \
   --request POST \
   --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data '{
      "title": "your title",
      "message": "your message",
      "url": "http://example.com"

Here is an example using Python and requests, if that's more your cup of tea.

import requests

token = "your token"
data = {
   "title": "your title",     # This is required
   "message": "your message", # This is optional
   "url": "your url",         # Also optional
response = requests.post(f"https://notifications.linus.onl/api/send-notification/{token}", json=data)

Note that a response from a /api endpoint are only guaranteed to be valid JSON if it has a successful status code. The call to raise_for_status is crucial in the above example.

How does it work?

This project works using the Web Push protocol and a service worker to send notifications. Much of the code is based on the Chrome DevRel team's excellent guide.

I was inspired by @h43z who made basically the exact same thing but better. I did, however, decide not to read any of their code before writing my own implementation. I figured it would be a better learning experience if I didn't just blindly copy-paste whatever they'd done. I do have a suspicion that their implementation is much more robust, though.